Conference Guide(参会指南):

The 3rd International Symposium on Nanocellulosic Materials

November 19-21, 2021 | Guangzhou, China

Cellulose based composite for the extraction of lithium from seawater
ID:41 Submission ID:35 View Protection:PRIVATE Updated Time:2021-10-29 21:48:59 Hits:626 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2021-11-21 10:05 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[SB] The 3rd International Symposium on Nanocellulosic Materials-Oral Session (ROOM 2) » [S5] Oral Session 11 & 12

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The extraction of lithium from seawater has attracted much interest as a means to meet increasing demand for lithium with the rapid expansion of the electric vehicle and electronics markets. Herein, a renewable and recyclable hydrogen manganese oxide (HMO)-modified cellulose film was developed and investigated toward the extraction of lithium from lithium containing aqueous solutions. The porous film was characterized, and its extraction efficacy and selectivity toward lithium from an aqueous solution (ppm level) and seawater (ppb level) were investigated. The HMO/cellulose film exhibited a higher Li+ adsorption capacity (21.6 mg g−1 HMO) than HMO/polymer (e.g., poly (vinyl chloride) or poly (vinylidene fluoride)) films, which have been examined in the literature for lithium extraction, because of its multidimensional porosity and hydrophilicity. The kinetics analysis based on a pseudo-second-order model indicated that the Li+ extraction rate of the HMO/cellulose film was 3 times higher than that achieved by the HMO particle alone (i.e., 0.075; cf. 0.023 g mg−1 h−1). Furthermore, the HMO/cellulose film displayed high selectivity for Li+ when exposed to seawater—the extraction of Li+ reached 99%, whereas that of the other ions present in seawater (i.e., Sr2+, K+, and Ca2+) was <4%. In addition, the adsorption capacity and mechanical strength of the HMO/cellulose film remained stable even after eight adsorption−desorption cycles. The present findings demonstrate the potential of the present HMO/cellulose film for the recovery of Li+ from seawater or wastewater.
Liang Daxin
Associate Professor Northeast Forestry University

Dr. Daxin Liang is an Associate Professor in the College of Materials Science and Engineering at Northeast Forestry University. He received his Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry from Jilin University. His research interests mainly focus on recycling carbon from biomass wastes as well as sustainable composite materials for high performance applications in water treatment and wood bionics. He is a recipient of Outstanding Youth Fund of Heilongjiang province (China) in 2019.

Submission Author
Daxin Liang Northeast Forestry University
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