Conference Guide(参会指南):

The 3rd International Symposium on Nanocellulosic Materials

November 19-21, 2021 | Guangzhou, China

  • Xuejiao Lin South China University of Technology
  • Zhongyuan Huang South China University of Technology
  • Jie Wei Beijing Institute of Technology
  • Xiao Huining University of New Brunswick, Canada Dr. Xiao, a Professor in Chemical Engineering at the University of New Brunswick (UNB) and the Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering, obtained his Ph.D in Chemical Engineering at McMaster University in Canada in 1995. Before joining the UNB in 2001, he was a Lecturer at the University of Manchester in the UK from 1996 to 2001. Prof. Xiao’s research interests mainly cover the functional modification of cellulose including micro- or nanofibrillated cellulose with polymers and nanoparticles; enhancing multi-barrier properties of fibre networks for green-based packaging and foam materials; green-based bioadsorbents for water purification and soil remediation; antiviral/antibacterial-modified cellulose and nonwoven textiles; and smart carriers for controlled release of drugs and agrochemicals. To date Dr. Xiao has published over 320 SCI peer-reviewed journal papers. Since joining the UNB, he has supervised or co-supervised more than 30 PhD students and over 20 PDFs. The PhD students/PDFs under his supervision have also won various prestigious awards including the recipients of CRC Tie 2 in Canada and the National Science Fund of China for distinguished young scholars.
  • Zeng Jinsong South China University of Technology, China Prof. Jinsong Zeng, the vice director of Guangdong Plant Fiber High-valued Cleaning Utilization Engineering Technology Research Center, vice director Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Plant Resources Biorefinery, and director of Plant Fiber Material Science Research Center of SCUT, has been engaged in light industry technology and engineering research, mainly including fluid dynamics and mathematical simulation of pulp fiber suspension; green preparation, fractional separation, dynamic characterization, pilot demonstration and high-valued application of micro/nanocellulose; design and optimization of biomass fluid equipment. Prof. Zeng presided over more than ten important projects consisted mainly of one Major National Science and Technology Projects, one National Key Research and Development Program, one Applied Science and Technology R&D Special Fund Project of Guangdong Province, and a number of other level projects. With her effort , she won one first prize of National Science and Technology Progress, one first prize of Science and Technology Progress of the Ministry of Education, one second prize of Technology Invention of the Ministry of Education, and one Technological Achievements Appraisal. Up to now, she has three internationally authorized patents and fifty invention patents, more than sixty SCI and EI journal research articles, and four book chapters.
  • Shao Ziqiang Beijing Institute of Technology, China SHAO ZIQIANG, male, Professor, postdoctoral, doctoral supervisor of polymer functionalization in Beijing Institute of Technology, mainly engaged in the research of cellulose and its functionalization. He is currently the vice president of China cellulose industry association, the director of the technical committee of China cellulose industry association, the director of Beijing cellulose and its derived materials engineering technology research center, and the member of the Cellulose Professional Technical Committee of the Chinese chemical society, Member of Nano Cellulose Professional Committee of China Paper Society. He wrote monographs such as Production Process and Equipment of Nitrocellulose, Structure and Properties of Nitrocellulose and Cellulose Ether. He published over 300 academic papers in Chinese, English and Russian in Journal of materials chemistry A, ACS applied materials & interfaces, Nanoscales, Chemical Engineering Journal, Cellulose、Высокомолекуляные соединение、Journal of power sources、and Advanced Materials Research, declared more than 70 national invention patents.
  • Pan Xuejun University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA Dr. Xuejun Pan is a Professor in the Department of Biological Systems Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He earned his Bachelor's, Master's, and Ph.D. degrees in Chemical Engineering (Pulp & Paper) at Tianjin University of Science and Technology, China, and the second Ph.D. degree in Applied Bioscience at Hokkaido University, Japan. Dr. Pan did postdoctoral research at Georgia Tech, the University of Minnesota, and the University of British Columbia before joining the faculty at University of Wisconsin-Madison. Dr. Pan’s research interest is in developing and fundamentally understanding innovative technologies for converting lignocellulosic biomass into liquid fuels, platform chemicals, and functionalized materials. He has published 110+ peer-reviewed journal articles, 6 book chapters, and 5 U.S. patents. Dr. Pan has won numerous awards, including the Andrew Chase Award in 2021, the Vilas Midcareer Award in 2018, the Alfred Toepfer Faculty Fellow Award in 2011, and the NSF Career Award in 2009. He is an elected Fellow of the International Academy of Wood Science. More information can be found at his lab website Email:
  • Fang Zhiqiang South China University of Technology, China Zhiqiang Fang is an associate professor in the School of Light Industry Science and Engineering at South China University of Technology (SCUT). His research interests include the design, preparation, characterizations, and electronic applications of transparent cellulose paper. He has published over 70 papers in peer-reviewed journals with total citations of 4600 (google scholar citations). He also serves as a reviewer of several Journals such as ACS Nano, ACS applied materials & Interface, and Advanced optical materials, Cellulose, and Industrial corps & products.
  • Li Tingjie KPMG, Canada Tingjie Li is a manager at KPMG for Scientific Research and Experimental Development. After obtaining his PhD degree in Mechanical & Materials Engineering from Western University (Canada), Tingjie worked at FPInnovations for 8 years to apply emerging technologies (e.g. printed electronics and 3 D printing) and biomaterials (e.g. lignin, cellulosic biomaterials) to develop active and sustainable fibre-based packaging. Currently, he specializes in R&D consulting services to pulp & paper, flexible packaging and biomaterials companies in Canada and the US.
  • Wang Lijun China Agricultural University, Beijing, China Dr. Wang is an Associate Professor of Food Science in China Agricultural University, Beijing. Her research interests mainly focus on rheology of complex food colloidal systems. She has published over 130 papers in high-imapct journals (> 4000 citations and h-index = 39), 17 patents and 7 book chapters. Her research has been funded by grants from National Natural Science Foudation of China and Ministry of Scicence and Techology.
  • Chen Lihui Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, China Lihui Chen, received his PhD degree from South China University of Technology. Currently, Prof. Chen works at Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, and leads the National Forestry and Grassland Administration Key Laboratory of Plant Fiber Functional Materials and Key-field innovation team of Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China. He was elected as the executive member of China Technical Association of Paper Industry and director of Fujian Province Technical Association of Paper Industry. He was selected for science and technology innovation talent of national 10, 000 talents plan, and young and middle-aged expert with outstanding contributions to the country. He has won the second prize of Chinese National Scientific and Technological Progress Award, and the first and second prizes of Fujian Scientific and Technological Progress Award. His research interests include the bio-refinery and biomass conversion, sustainable bio-materials for energy and environmental applications. He has published over 150 research papers, obtained more than 30 national invention patents, and drafted 2 Chinese national and professional standards.
  • Wang Zhaohui Hunan University, China Zhaohui Wang is a professor of materials science at Hunan University, China. He received his B.E. (2007) and M.E. (2009) and Ph.D. degree (2012) from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China. He had worked at the Uppsala University as researcher during 2013-2019, focusing on the research of nanostructured conducting polymer composites and paper batteries. His current research interests include the value-added utilization of cellulose-based functional materials, for example, design of cellulose-based separator, paper-based electrodes and flexible current collectors, and the development of biomass-based high energy density energy storage devices. 
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