Conference Guide(参会指南):

The 3rd International Symposium on Nanocellulosic Materials

November 19-21, 2021 | Guangzhou, China


Day 1,Nov. 20, 2021Saturday


Opening Ceremony and session1 & 2@The 3rd International Symposium on Nanocellulosic Materials-Room 1

2021-11-20 08:30 ~ 12:10

ZOOM Conference Enter meeting room

Timetable V9 Updated:2021-11-21 13:44:51

Start End Duration ID Title
08:30 09:00 30 Opening Ceremony
09:00 09:30 30 69
Bio-based Sustainable Structural Materials
Yu Shuhong professor/University of Science and Technology of China
Keynote speech
09:30 10:00 30 70
Wood nanoscience and nanotechnologies
Hu Liangbing professor/University of Maryland, USA
Keynote speech
10:00 10:30 30 71
Renewable nanoparticles in super structured and multiphase materials
Orlando Rojas professor/University of British Columbia, Canada
Keynote speech
10:30 10:40 10 Tea Break
10:40 11:10 30 72
Nanocelluloses, their fundamentals and applications
Akira Isogai professor/University of Tokyo, Japan
Keynote speech
11:10 11:40 30 73
Nature-derived sustainable materials and high-performance energy storage
Zhu Hongli professor/Northeastern University,USA
Keynote speech
11:40 12:10 30 74
Sustainable production and application of plant-based-biomass nanomaterials
Huang Yong professor/Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Keynote speech

Day 2,Nov. 21, 2021Sunday


Session 18 and Closing ceremony@The 3rd International Symposium on Nanocellulosic Materials-Room 1

2021-11-21 16:00 ~ 18:00

ZOOM Conference Enter meeting room

Timetable V9 Updated:2021-11-21 13:44:51

Start End Duration ID Title
16:00 16:30 30 115
Pulp fibers and wood as nanocellulose materials
Berglund Lars Professor/KTH Royal Inst of Techn
Keynote speech
16:30 17:00 30 116
Some novel aspects of the system “cellulose – water”
Rosenau Thomas/University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU)
Keynote speech
17:00 17:30 30 132
Keynote speech
17:30 18:00 30 Closing Ceremony


Miss. Scarlett

Mobile: +86-15201086188


Prof. Tao Song

Mobile: +86-13286898523


Dr. Ruitao Cha

Mobile: +86-13752018935


Dr. Chao Tian

Mobile: +86-18612982185
